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Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

I'm from Sergipe, I'm 22 years old, I was born in the countryside of Sergipe in a very small town called "Simão dias", I'm a dentistry student and I moved to the city of São Paulo to work as a model, every job I do I'm very happy and carried out. Today, I live alone, I need to be farther away from my family due to work, but whenever I have free time I come back to visit them!

How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

Since I was young I have always been fascinated by this world, my father always watched parades and contests and took me along, I loved watching with him, admiring female beauty, it really is charming, because it speaks much more than physical appearance, it speaks about strength and the empowerment that we women are conquering with each new day.

When did you sign with an agency?

In 2020 I participated in several castings and I already joined an agency, but I recently changed. It was a very cool experience, I learned a lot and I am very happy, today my focus is the international market.

What was your first job? How did it feel?

Since I was 14 I was already working as a model, taking pictures for stores in my city and I was very happy with the return of the stores. It's always great to see your work working, knowing that all your effort is paying off.

What impact of social networks have on your life as a content creator?

The social network helps a lot because there I can show my daily life, I take pictures, I talk to my followers and I feel close to them, some have complained to me for a while and say I'm missing (laughs), this life has ups and downs and we are not always well. But Instagram is a platform that helps me a lot and yields a lot of work

How will you handle your popularity?

Overall, I'm a very simple and humble person, my family has always raised me with these principles, so I'm not going to change my way of being, but I'm very happy with the feedback I get from people, the compliments, that's it. very good and priceless.

What is your personal style?

I have several styles, I always say it depends on my mood (laughs), but basically, I'm always in the “natural sport”.

How do you keep in shape?

Gym and food. I run a lot on the treadmill, but I confess I'm not that strict, I love eating pizza (laughs). However, the important thing is back, a flexible diet, and balance is everything. We can not give up!

What are your greatest accomplishments so far?

My accomplishment is having a comfortable life and helping my family, I still haven't gotten everything I want, but I believe I'm on the right track. Today, I have a stable condition and I can travel, walk with them, and give gifts and everything they need. This for me is and will always be my true accomplishment: family!

What advice would you give someone starting out?

Do not give up on your dreams! If you can dream it, you can do it too. I come from a very small countryside, there is no airport in the city, there is no mall, there some people always said that it would be impossible to leave, but I never believed them, you must not believe them either. Put God in front always and with a lot of strength and faith you will make it!


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