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Hi, could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

My name is Gabriela Rank Rosario, I'm 26 years old and of Russian descent, born in Brazil, which I definitely love! The flavors of the food, the hearts of the people, and the richness of the culture make me proud to be Brazilian. I'm a model and an architecture student, I have a beautiful daughter, one year and ten months old, called Helena, she is my impulse and my biggest motivation. I started working through social media and then as a model in 2017, for some renowned Brazilian brands. Like every girl with the dream of being a model, since I was a little girl I admired Gisele Bündchen a lot, I said I wanted to be like her, on the cover of Vogue... I was born in Joinville - Santa Catarina, I moved to the great São Paulo City where I got a lot of possibilities and opportunities in my career. I also had an absolutely incredible experience living in Milan in 2022. I'm very proud of my history and roots, and I’m always open and willing to learn everything I can to improve myself personally and professionally.

How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

I started working as a model in 2017, in the city where I was born, I saw that I had the profile for this profession and decided to follow… I started doing showrooms for some brands.

When did you sign with an agency?


What was your first job? How did it feel?

I started doing a showroom, and even without any experience, I excelled very well, it requires a lot of postures and catwalk technique, and I often felt insecure for being inexperienced the idea was to pass on a concept, work on trends, and, above all, create a desire in consumers.

What is your dream modeling job?

Walk the catwalks in Paris, London, New York

What magazine would you like to be on the cover of?


What do you enjoy most about modeling?

What I like most about modeling are the people I've met. There are so many amazing people in this world, having an open mind has helped me to learn something new from every life experience I've ever had, and since I'm constantly meeting new people, I've been able to gain a broader perspective of different cultures and beliefs. I was able to expand as a person and I love that about my work. Also, I love how it opened me up to be more creative. I used to be so shy and introspective but when I started modeling I felt an energy inside me that I had never experienced before, it was like a creative light going on.

What are your hobbies?

I've always enjoyed being on the move, traveling, and meeting new people and places. Traveling gives me a feeling of freedom, and since I consider myself a bit of a nomad, being a model allows me to be like that. Few people know but I love Rock n roll and Kate Moss. I'm a fan and admirer of the top model, I ended up becoming a great admirer of her style, seeing it in editorials, campaigns, photo shoots, or even just for her lifestyle.

What is your personal style?

I'm a fan of a more architectural style with doses of creativity and flirting with the sport. Hahaha

How do you keep in shape?

To keep myself in shape, I prioritize the balance of my internal energy above all else, I meditate every morning and include other conscious practices in my daily life, I practice exercises and I always make healthy choices, because when I feel internally balanced it is much easier to manage everything that goes on abroad.

choices, because when I feel internally balanced it is much easier to manage everything that goes on abroad.

Who are your favorite designers?

Coco Chanel and Christian Dior

What advice would you give someone starting out?

The advice I give is: "No matter where you go, never forget where you came from. Never lose your essence.”


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