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Hi, could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Hi, this is Myra, the site. I'm giving you a voice note because I can't type. It's going to be a long story to write things. So yeah, the first thing, the first answer is I believe in myself against all the odds. I love challenges and I'm very ed in what I want in life, and I always pursue them adamantly. I'm very stubborn, about what I want in my life. I love challenges and I believe in the mantra of, you know, love what you do and do what you love.

So that's my mantra and my life when it comes to love. I'm old school, very sensitive by heart. I'm soft. I'm like a crap. Shell-like, you know, be bold, like, you know, my outer personality is like very bold, fearless fire sign. But yeah, otherwise it's the other way around. When it comes to my heart, I'm very sensitive and I'm just a little softer. Yeah, I'm too tough to be taken for granted, you know, like I'm, don't mess with me kind of girl.

How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

I, it's not anything as deciding that I want to be a model because I had that inner talent, you know, from childhood. I always loved fashion being stylish and you know, always all my childhood, I've just been fashionable. I had the passion to work in fashion, being style, you know, like very stylish.

I used to play with clothes. I'm a fashion designer as well. And yeah, I mean, I was a childhood talent, being fashionable, and that's why I took the course in fashion design.

So yeah, I pursued taking up the modeling as well. At the same time I was, I'm a fashion designer, I'm a model and I've done item songs in Bollywood. 

There's nobody who inspires me as such. Nothing offending, but it's just that, I'm my own inspiration in my life. I admire myself for where I come from and what I have done in my life. The struggles I've gone through and the challenges I've faced. I'm, I'm an inspiring person of like myself, I, me, and myself. I'm inspired by myself. So hat off to me.

When did you sign with an agency?

I am not signed with any agency. I'm just like a freelancer. I work whatever the work comes. So it is nothing that I've just signed up with an agency. I worked as a freelancer all my life.

What was your first job? How did it feel?

My first job was as an item girl. You know, like I did an item song in 2010 or 11. I did an item song. It is sung by LA and it was a remix album. So it was a very classy video because all the dancers were from London. They flew all the way from London. I was so happy to work with international dancers.

They were the dancers in my music album. I was excited because, you know I always wanted to dance, you know, all my childhood. I've danced at so many weddings and I've done so many shows. Even when I was only 16 years, 18 years, like 14, 16, 18 years, I was always a dancing queen from my childhood. So yeah, I got this first opportunity in Bollywood as an item girl. I've done item songs, I've done music albums and music videos.

My first music video was like Ani from Laki and it was an international director and the international Desi as a designer and international dancers.

So it was a completely international team. So I was so excited to work with an international team. I learned so much from them, you know, like the perfectionist and them being so, being so time, you know, like on time and hardworking, and they don't waste time. They're so perfect in what they do. So I learned so much from working with them. It's just, it's always whenever you work you learn new things every day. You learn new things from where you work.

So I'm, I'm glad that I just learned things in life and I take it ahead, as in now, adding it to my passion.

What is your dream modeling job?

My dream modeling is not modeling because I love to do acting and I love to be, you know, I love to do Jem four. You know, I love to work with Mahe, but it's my dream to work with my, but movies like Jaim, movies like Raz, so yeah, more bold look and fearless character. Yeah, my dream job, you know, as in my dream is to work with Mahesh, but you know, solo appearance as in like solo character movies, like Jaim.

Hopefully, you never know. You might see me in just four or just a movie.

What magazine would you like to be on the cover of?

I am glad I'm on the HP Magazine cover and thank you so much to the whole HP Magazine team that like to be on this cover. I'm super happy about it, yeah, but my dream cover magazine, which I would love to be on Vogue Magazine, it's my dream to be on Vogue.

What do you enjoy most of the modeling?

What I like in modeling and as an in Bollywood and industry like, is I just love to be glamorous and beautiful, look gorgeous. You know, like I get to play different, different characters, you know, wearing different costumes, you know, wearing different fashions, wearing different fashionable clothes, styling myself and looking gorgeous. And art, you know, I love playing different characters and you know, it's nice and meeting with different people from different creative, like when you talk about makeup, you talk about styling, you talk about fashion, you talk about like shooting, you know, with different photographers.

It's so beautiful to connect with so many people, and one day, you know, so many creative people, you will get to learn so many things in life. You get experience in life, you get the taste of life. So yeah, I just love to be looking gorgeous and, you know, I just wanna give my best what I do. So, yeah, I, this is what I love about,Maintaining focus and discipline. Food and rest are precious.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies are, is like, I just, I'm a designer, so I love to play with clothes, love to play with designs, and I just love to travel. I just love to travel a lot, travel around the world. I'm a very adventurous girl, so yeah, I mean, just wanna travel around the world, meeting new friends, making new friends, having fun, enjoying at the beach, having a wine, looking at the sundown, and yeah, as in by the sea under the sky, under the moon, having a glass of wine and sipping champagne at the sundown.

This is my hobby, like traveling around the world.

What is your style?

This, this, this is my favorite question and this is gonna be my favorite answer as well. Yeah. When you compare fashion and you know, like stylish, I just love to be stylish because you know what fashion is most dictated in the world, in the whole universe. You know, it's like more dominated fashion in the name, you know, it's dominated, it is dictated in the whole universe.

For me, what I love about is being stylish. Stylish is an individual statement about a single individual person. You know, you can be stylish, you know, like by yourself, and that's an individual statement. You are giving, being stylish, you know, and you portray yourself how stylish you are, how, how you stylize yourself in a character. So that speaks a lot. You know, like you don't need to be a fashionable person, you know, where like people, the whole universe statement is like, you know, fashion, you know, it's dictated by the universe.

But stylish, being stylish is a person who talks about her clothes, the way she carries herself, a character. She enhances on being stylish, how stylish she is. So for me, being stylish is the best. Like, you know, that, that how you speak, being stylish speaks a lot. You don't need to emphasize what you're wearing, you know, and being stylish also makes you comfortable and you know, like being cool and you know, like a shake and you know, the skin has to breathe.

So being stylish is, for me, the best way to say it.

How do you keep in shape?

How do I keep myself in shape I work out a lot and I'm, a great, good dancer. I dance a lot. I've done a lot of shows around the world, so I love to dance sometimes and I, I, I love to swim and yeah, I love to maintain my diet and yeah, I do work out, I do work out, you know, a couple of days a week, then I give a couple of days for dancing. I give, like, I take guide food and good food, healthy food.

So that's, that's what makes me keep fit.

Who are your favorite designers?

Gaurav  Gupta

What advice would you give someone starting?

The advice, that I would want to give to the newcomers and the beginners in modeling or maybe in the Bollywood industry is, you know, first thing, first, believe in yourself. No matter what the circumstances, what the situation, you know, no matter what the outcome is, just believe in yourself. Be confident enough to believe in your talent. Nobody can be you that you should know.

You are a very different person from who you are. Nobody can match you for who you are. And you know, no matter how much life throws at you, but still never give up in your life. Keep trying till you succeed. No matter how the circumstances are. Be challenging in your life. Never give up because dreams do come. I have seen my dreams come true. Mumbai is a city where everybody's dreams come true.

So don't give up. Keep trying, keep trying, keep trying until you succeed and you will be successful in your life. Mark my words. This is me. I've experienced, I'm talking about my experience. So good luck with all the newcomers and you know, people who are into, you know, beginners and all. So have faith in yourself and your talent, inner talent.

Model: MYRRA



Photographer: FAIZAN KHAN



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