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Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Hi Guys. It’s Jasmine Kim, a quarter-blood USA and Korea.

I’m a professional model rookie based in Western since 2022 year.

And also In Korea, I’m modelling on runways in Asia high fashion shows.

How did you decide to be a professional model? Who or what inspired you?

At first, I was just a student majoring in acting and wanted to be an actor or dancer, not a model. Through a difficult 4 year journey in the World Beauty Contest, I entered the professional model industry. On a personal point, I think modelling is one of the creative art and also an artist who sells the special mood of the photo and also the charming storyteller under the light.

When did you sign with an agency?

I joined two of the talent agencies based in the USA in 2022 year

What was your first job? How did it feel?

I was a fine-jewellery designer. this job requires perfect concentration and delicateness. And also I often worked the project for creating new products day and night.

So I was an everyday tired office worker.

What impact of social media in your life as a content creator?

Social media has a good influence on me. It's worth it to be able to communicate with my international fans live and share my daily content with international users. And it's comfortable to get collaboration suggestions and able to chat with brand managers easily and quickly.


How will you handle your popularity?

It will be handled by my talent agency instead of me except for my artistic work.


What is your personal style?

It's a perfectly different look with the working time of my sunny attitude. I’m a so silent person. and in my daily life, I’m living in a non-noise environment. Also, I like cleanliness. So I tend to take a long shower and clean up my home more than a normal person. I have a similar personality to a cat.

What impact of social media in your life as a content creator?

Social media has a good influence on me. It's worth it to be able to communicate with my international fans live and share my daily content with international users. And it's comfortable to get collaboration suggestions and able to chat with brand managers easily and quickly.

How will you handle your popularity?

It will be handled by my talent agency instead of me except for my artistic work.

What is your personal style?

It's a perfectly different look with the working time of my sunny attitude. I’m a so silent person. and in my daily life, I’m living in a non-noise environment. Also, I like cleanliness. So I tend to take a long shower and clean up my home more than a normal person. I have a similar personality to a cat.

How do you keep in shape?

I trust that simple daily habits make the body beautiful. Every day try to keep my promise myself have food only within my limited food plan. And I like to work out high-strengthing. As a university student, I have often trained to dance including high movements for more than 5 hours.

What are your greatest accomplishments so far?

That’s my winning experience in a Korean model contest, in the 2019 year.

What advice would you give someone starting out?

I want to say to them ‘Try any amateur modelling experience even if can't have a professional career. That experience will give to help you decide on your model career in the future. And it’s good to be yourself, not others. The unique artwork that the master craftsman makes hard for a long time is more memorable to people, rather than some pictures of the factory mass production.


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