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Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?

Olesya Leuenberger is a freelance model and internet entrepreneur. She lives in Switzerland and is married to a Swiss banker.

She will proudly represent Switzerland at the international beauty contest, Miss Europe Continental, on May 5th 2022 in Napoli, Italy.

Tell us about your journey so far.

Having both, vision and strategy in my mind, I created my first internet start-up an online platform for industry professionals in the media and entertainment industry, which was sold in 2020.

How would you describe your style?

Elegant, sophisticated with a touch of passion and grace

Tell me about your experience as a model.

Starting my fashion career as a model at the age of 14 I always knew that my passion for fashion will only grow over time. Even though I’m still modelling occasionally, my dream is to try acting.

How has your life changed since then?

I am blessed to travel around the world, live in different countries and meet interesting and talented people, especially women.

A lot of your influence comes from social media. That’s great because it allows you to control your image. But is it also limiting, because it’s so one-sided?

It is really great to have technology that connects you to so many people in absolutely different locations (Instagram). What is even greater is that I can interact with all of them directly. I believe if you are able to have both sides communicated- it is never one-sided.


How would you describe your talents to someone who doesn’t get it?

I would simply show it instead of talking about it. One of my talents is communication. 

2020 has been the strangest of years, how did you find the lockdown? Any lessons or discoveries?

Yes, 2020 was not the easiest year for all of us and my family. But we found strength and unity stronger than ever before. It brought us closer to each other and we will keep it this way. 

Who have been some of your favourite collaborators so far in the industry?

I am especially thankful to my official sponsor at Miss Europe Continental 2022 an Italian luxury nightwear brand that I personally use and adore, Pellicano Nightwear (


What first piqued your interest in fashion and modelling?

The beauty and its diversity. I believe diversity makes beauty.

What is the biggest highlight of your career so far?

In my personal opinion, an honour to represent Switzerland at the Miss Europe Continental beauty contest this year.

Do you have a favourite designer or high street brand?

My favourite fashion houses are Dior and Chanel

What is your greatest strength?

My patience and persistence 

What are your goals as a model?

To show the diversity in beauty and its authenticity


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